Why is reddit telling me i'm not allowed to post in a certains ub
Why is reddit telling me i'm not allowed to post in a certains ub

why is reddit telling me i

Any such posts may be removed.Ħ: If you see trolling, report it to the mods.ħ: Any posts created to intentionally start drama on any subject will be removed. No "suifuel" threads.ĥ: Avoid posts that serve only to advertise other blogs, subreddits or external sites as we have no control over these external resources. Forever Alone is not something you achieve, its something you use to describe yourself.ģ: Do not post inflammatory comments or threads designed to generalize, demean, insult or otherwise degrade an entire group of people (race, gender, sexual orientation, religion etc).Ĥ: This is not an incel sub, any incel references, slang, or inference will be deemed hate speech and met with a ban. Foreveralone has no firm definition but here is a list that gives an idea of what it's all about. Discord!: Click Here to Enter Rules:Ģ: Do not tell anyone they are not forever alone enough to be here. Please treat others with respect even if you disagree with them. Thinking About Suicide? - /r/SuicideWatch.Have to talk to someone right now? 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 1-866-APPELLE (if in Quebec) International and National Suicide Hotline Numbers

Why is reddit telling me i'm not allowed to post in a certains ub