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Sites like tinypng

For most situations on your BigCommerce store, using a JPEG or JPG format for your product photos offers the best balance between looking good and loading fast. Images can be encoded in a variety of different formats. – An image’s format refers to how the information is encoded for a computer to interpret. Some graphics software programs, like Adobe Photoshop, also feature a “Save for Web” command, which does the same thing. File size refers to how much data a file contains, or how much storage it will consume. Sites like TinyPNG and JPEG-Optimizer can compress your images to lower your page load overhead. – Your image’s file size is just as important. If you take a 5-megapixel photo with your camera, that means it’s 5,000 pixels on the longest side – which is much higher resolution than is needed for web content. – For quick load time and images that still look great when zoomed-in, we recommend your images be anywhere from 800px to 1200px on their longest side.

Sites like tinypng