

Seamless SSO doesn't work in private browsing mode on Firefox.For OneDrive, you will have to activate the OneDrive silent config feature for a silent sign-on experience.


Other versions are not supported on those versions, users will enter their usernames, but not passwords, to sign-in. xxxx and above are supported using a non-interactive flow.

  • Microsoft 365 Win32 clients (Outlook, Word, Excel, and others) with versions.
  • Due to this behavior, SharePoint and OneDrive mapping scenarios don't work.
  • If Seamless SSO succeeds, the user does not have the opportunity to select Keep me signed in.
  • If you disable and re-enable Seamless SSO on your tenant, users will not get the single sign-on experience till their cached Kerberos tickets, typically valid for 10 hours, have expired.
  • In a few cases, enabling Seamless SSO can take up to 30 minutes.
  • We have al­ways abided by strict pro­fes­sion­al stand­ards and will con­tin­ue provid­ing ser­vices of the highest qual­ity. Jean-Fran­cois Mar­quaire, Man­aging Part­ner: “We are proud of hav­ing been able to cre­ate and pre­serve a united team with a friendly cor­por­ate cul­ture and re­spons­ible at­ti­tude to our busi­ness.”Le­onid Zubar­ev, Seni­or Part­ner: “Our new brand SEAM­LESS Leg­al most ac­cur­ately re­flects the ap­proach to work that has de­veloped over the years in our firm – in­teg­rity and co­her­ence, im­pec­cab­il­ity, con­tinu­ity and un­in­ter­rup­ted sup­port to our cli­ents at any time.This article helps you find troubleshooting information about common problems regarding Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Seamless Single Sign-On (Seamless SSO). On 15 June 2022, the former Mo­scow of­fice of the in­ter­na­tion­al law firm CMS an­nounces the start of work as an in­de­pend­ent law firm un­der the new brand name SEAM­LESS Leg­al.Over 80 col­leagues of the Mo­scow of­fice con­tin­ue work­ing as one team, led by Man­aging Part­ner Jean-Fran­cois Mar­quaire and Seni­or Part­ner Le­onid Zubar­ev.We keep ad­vising our cli­ents across all 23 prac­tices and sec­tors: We lean on 30 years of ex­pert­ise and an im­pec­cable repu­ta­tion as part of an in­ter­na­tion­al law firm.
